[Studying at home just like at school]

Despite the current situation, the priority for French High schools abroad belonging to AEFE network is to ensure pedagogical continuity online via different digital platforms (Teams, Google Classroom, Zoom, Padlet, Google Meet, Pronote, class blogs, video clips…).

Our teachers are doing a remarkable job during this distance-learning period. Videoconferences are organised each and every morning to meet students, give them a lesson, plus activities and homework to be done throughout the day.

Our primary school pupils use « Teams » platform, being invited to take part in numerous activities: International Kid’s yoga day, drawing, painting, gardening, playing dough, circuit building and pancake batter making.
Teachers and pupils in secondary level follow their ordinary schedule with classes delivered through « Teams » as well.
Video clips are also sent to the pupils to guide them and help them in their approach.

Huge thanks to all our administrative and teaching staff, and to parents for their support and help in those difficult times.