“A window on biodiversity”: here is a great Sciences of life & earth project!

It’s a worldwide project launched in early June by our two Sciences of life & earth teachers for the benefit of all high school pupils in LFKL!

It should enable pupils in the AEFE network to inventory the biodiversity around them, through the taking of pictures, and the identification of animal and vegetal, or even fungus species, with the help of tools to facilitate the ascription of the proper name, such as the excellent collaborative app “iNaturalist”

How to participate?
You just need to fill in an online form with the picture of a living being spotted near your home, the exact location of the observation, both the vernacular and the scientific name of the creature and a small explanatory text detailing the context of the observation.

What’s the aim of it?
To see this world map of biodiversity enriched with all the observations made by AEFE pupils all over the planet during the year to come. This inventory shall thus become a true scientific database exploitable during Sciences of life & earth classes.

A few dozens of files provided by LFKL pupils have already been validated by the scientific committee, and now appear on the world map of biodiversity… but this is just the beginning!

No doubt our pupils will commit to this beautiful challenge, which will provide them with an opportunity to expand their knowledge and reconnect with nature. Hopefully, it will also make them want to stick to their roles as young naturalists.

The Sciences of life & earth team of LFKL