Mida & Malek Bekdache, French-Lebanese family

1. Why did you choose the LFKL?
We chose the LFKL because our son is a French national and we want him to learn his native language and culture at a young age. We also believe that the French educational system is a distinguished one, and that it will positively contribute to our son intellectual and personal development.
2. Does your child enjoy being at the LFKL?
Our son enjoys being at the LFKL. He is happy to go to school in the morning and misses his friends on weekends and holidays. One of the advantages the LFKL provides our son with is diversity. His classmates and friends are from different backgrounds and we feel that this diversity is very important.
3. Do you feel like your child is changing and growing in the LFKL? If so, How?
Our son is definitely changing and growing. We are impressed at his now varied French vocabulary and at his ability to formulate his ideas in both French and English. He has also become more patient and very sociable.
4. What is the most positive thing about the LFKL?
As far as we are concerned, the most positive aspect of the LFKL is the teachers. The kindergarten’s educational team is amazing. We leave our son in their care, with peace of mind, every morning. Their attention to detail and individual follow up is impressive. They are extremely accessible and always have time to talk to us about our son.
5. Do you and your child have some special memories to share about the school, class and activity?
An episode I have in mind is seeing our son dance with a lot of enthusiasm at the Deepavali school party. We had no idea he was such an avid dancer and we were able to see what our son was doing at school via the blog that his teachers are constantly updating.