On 9 and 10 December 2019, 25 of our bravest 13th graders in scientific section went to Ipoh to study the area’s geology. In several chosen places, they had to search for indications — some not that obvious — such as rocks to be identified, folds and faults to be spotted, a karst morphology or a granite chaos to be interpreted, and even cave painting to be wondered at. They later analysed this field data and compared it against what they had learnt in their SVT class so as to finally reconstruct the complex geological past of the area and, on a larger scale, Malaysia.

After a pleasant games-night and a peaceful night in Gopeng’s Earth Camp, the students had to face the impetuous currents of the Sungai Geroh, on board some rafts provided by Nomad Adventure; some team-mates spending more time below the water surface than above in their eagerness to learn more about the granitic arena at the bottom of the river’s bed.

This outing combining field geology and outdoor activities was synonymous, for our 13th graders, of quite a lot of convivial moments, all the more valued since in a few months from now, each of them will follow  its own faraway path to further studies.

A huge thanks to Ms. Bouchard and Mr. Fellon for having supervised this outing which would have never taken place without their kind assistance.